Paulaner is a German brewery founded in 1634 in Munich by monks from the monastery Neudeck ob der Au. The Mendicant Order and the brewery are named after Francis of Paola, the founder of the order. Paulaner is one of six breweries that provide beer for Oktoberfest and ranks as the sixth best-selling beer in Germany. The popularity of Paulaner beer has always extended far beyond the city of Munich.The special enjoyment of beer, the high level of brewing expertise of our master brewers and the famous Bavarian way of life are just some of the factors behind Paulaner's success - and that of the brewery worldwide.
Weyermann Pilsner, Weizenbraumalz
Premiant, ŽPČ
4,7 %
ESPVeľmi obľúbené svetlé pšeničné pivo. Má príjemnú arómu, ktorú okamžite sprevádza chuť citrusových plodov, muškátu, vanilky, banánov až po jemne kyslú osviežujúcu chuť citrónov. Pivo, ktoré má byť mútne a kyslé.